In this image we witness the encounter of two deities crossing opposite paths, leaving behind a trail of life and bestowing with nature an apparently destroyed space.
These strange anthropomorphic creatures make a veiled visual allegory to the nymphs Chloris and Nephele belonging to Greek mythology.
This is the second illustration of Elgreen Project’s “LOS EXTRANJEROS” SERIES based on “everyday aliens”.
The image depicts humanoid-like characters that appear intimidating at first; but in a closer inspection, they tell a story of life, change, repair, rebuild and recovery. With this illustration, I intend to create a visual analogy about how some people perceive foreign individuals. At the same time, I want to portray the beauty that hides beneath their “unfamiliar” and even “frightening” appearance. More importantly, I want to capture the story of resilience that encompasses any individual living in a foreign place.
The project stems from my official US VISA Status: “Alien with extraordinary abilities”.