As millions of enthusiastic readers, I also became absolutely fascinated by Jorge Luis Borges book of short stories “FICCIONES.” Is just impossible not to get caught on his brilliant mind-games. His complex and multilayered characters. The crisp and detailed descriptions of his fantastical universes, and the stories within stories many times quoted from inexistent books.There is a special "magic" in the way he sees the world; and I dare to say that sometimes I think I perceive it in a similar way. My work has been largely influenced by Borges. Sometimes I even unconsciously create content that strikingly seems to run parallel paths with him. I found in these playful coincidences, a synchronicity's gift that I don’t take for granted, and more importantly; a great opportunity to keep finding answers to the work I do. For this illustration, I though it was time to make him a well deserved and respectful tribute. It was important to be as faithful as possible (despite many liberties I took); and create an image, capable to capture as many details portrayed in this story as possible.
I chose “LA BIBLIOTECA DE BABEL,” not just because I found this short story fascinating, but for the incredibly-rich and intricate depiction Borges created. All this "almost-palpable" story, got stuck in my head so bad; that I realized that the only way to ease my mind, was to make this story tangible through my own illustration voice. I created this illustration trying to contain the full story told by Borges in one single image (an image that implies just a section of endless layers, both up and downwards), in order to show as faithful as possible; the “hell and chaos” he masterfully described in this infinite library.