The Ruins of Future "Reactor" is the first installment of new illustrations for the ongoing “Elgreen Project” universe, that shows the rise and fall of the civilization that once inhabited this world. In this small visual narrative, we can see a thriving city full of anthropomorphic characters, just moments before a catastrophic event takes place. In this series of juxtaposed illustrations, I’m showing in a fraction of seconds: the “Ruins of future”, a “before and after” image of time passing by, obliterating everything behind; leaving a dilapidated city. A husk.
This illustration serves as a metaphorical representation of time, and works as a reminder of how everything always comes to an end. In a way, this is the starting point of “Elgreen Project’s” new chapter; one that aims to destroy this entire universe, honoring the most important aspects of the project in the first place: “Memory”. “The obsolescence of things”. “Nostalgia”. “The remains